NBK Nabeya Bi-tech Kaisha
NBK Nabeya Bi-tech Kaisha


Challenge, Lead the world

Nabeya Bi-tech Kaisha (NBK), founded in 1560,
has always worked to resolve our customers' various issues,
in a dramatically changing world, through "creative manufacturing."

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Company Information

Priding ourselves on our history and tradition,
we manufacture goods and services ahead of their time.
  • Development, manufacture, and sales of machine elements for transmission,
    control, positioning, and handling
  • Provision of casting solutions
We provide value in these business fields to a wide market in Japan and overseas.
Business Introduction
Business Introduction


With some 90,000 types of standard products available, we also handle 80,000 types of custom products in order to give our clients the best option on their terms for what they need, when they need it, in the quantity they need.
Along with our production and warehouse system, we have an advanced information system which enables mixed model production of varied quantities with short delivery times.

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Sustainable development GOALS
Sustainable development GOALS


Toward the achievement of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 (SDGs), based on the NBK Declaration which is our essential philosophy, we declare our intent as a global company to prioritize resolution of the appropriate issues, making the SDGs work for us in sustainable management.

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