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  • Requesting RoHS Certificate of Compliance

Requesting RoHS Certificate of Compliance

Our existing system of requests via fax or email has now given way to an online automatic issuance service for RoHS certificates of compliance. We encourage you to make use of this service.
Click here to see RoHS

If you require certificates other than the RoHS certificate of compliance, contact us here.

Note: If you have a non- standard part(i.e. BT,KT) with a modification, please send you RoHs request to the following address: [email protected]

Application Form Requesting RoHS Certificate of Compliance

Customer Information

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Example: Nabeya Bi-tech Kaisha
Please enter Company Name.
Company name must be 200 characters or less.
RequiredYour Name
First Name 
Last Name 
Please enter First Name.
Please enter Last Name.
Last Name must be 200 characters or less.
First Name must be 200 characters or less.
RequiredEmail Address
Please enter E-mail.
E-mail is not correct.
RequiredRetype Email Address
Please enter E-mail.
E-mail is not correct.
E-mail addresses do not match.

Items to Fill in for RoHS Certificate of Compliance

RequiredAddress for certificate
Example: Nabeya Bi-tech Kaisha

* This will appear in the address column of the RoHS Certificate of Compliance.

Please enter Address for certificate.
The certificate destination must be 200 characters or less.
RequiredPart Number

Search for the part number and then click [Add].

Please enter Part Numbers.
Please input relevant Part Numbers.
Please use alphabets, numbers, hyphens (-) and slash (/) to enter part numbers.
Part number must be 200 characters or less.

Sample of
RoHS Certificate of Compliance


Privacy Policy

"We manage the ""customer information"" you have provided according to our privacy policy. We will not display or provide your customer information to any third parties without your approval, excluding cases in which we need to inquire with the original manufacturer regarding environmentally hazardous chemical substance non-inclusion information or in which the law requires such information to be displayed.

Please read the above carefully. If you agree, click [Agree] below and then click [Submit application for documents]."

Please check "Agree" to apply for issuance of certificates.
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  • Requesting RoHS Certificate of Compliance