Scale Plate / Scale Sticker Cutting Service
Service Introduction Video
Service Details

- Scale plates and scale stickers will be cut in 1 mm to your desired length.
- This service makes it easier to use scale plates and scale stickers according to spaces or purposes of equipment or devices.
Applicable Products
Products of the Scale categories are the target.
How to use the service
①Please add [-CT] to the end of the product part number.
②Please specify end face to be cut.
③Please specify cutting position (unit: 1 mm).
Order Example
①Select processing symbol CT .
②Select end face to be cut.
- Horizontal types FSP FSS FST
Left side cutting: L
Right side cutting: R - Vertical types FSP-V FSS-V FST-V
Upper part cutting: T
Lower part cutting: B
③Please specify the cutting position from scale on
the end face to be cut in the unit of 1 mm.
- Example: One-side cutting
FSP-100-L (scale length: 100 mm) is cut at a
position of 15 mm from left end scale, part number
will be FSS-100-L-CT-L15 .
- Example: Two-side cutting
FSP-100-L (scale length: 100 mm) is cut at a position of 15 mm from left end scale and 10 mm from right end scale, part number will be FSS-100-L-CT-L15-R12 .
nor C-face processing on the cut face will be
●Tolerance of the cutting position is ±0.5 mm.
●As for two-side cutting, specify the cutting position
from left side in the case of horizontal types, and
from upside in the case of vertical types.
- Please feel free to contact us.